Category: Communication

  • The Crucible

    A crucible is a situation or place that forces people to make difficult decisions. It can also mean a situation of severe trial in which something is created through the interaction of different elements. This links to the play as

  • Classwork – 14/4/2016

    Rebecca Nurse advises Proctor and Putnam that they should ‘rather blame ourselves’ for the sickness of Betty than chase ‘loose spirits’. This shows that she feels that, if they start a witch hunt, the hysteria that will take over the town will be damaging. This shapes our reaction to Hale’s entrance as Rebecca tells us…

  • Controlled Assessment – How are love and/or hate presented in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar and a range of Robert Browning Poetry?

    Comparing Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar with a range of Browning poetry, this essay will discuss and compare the devices used to present these, as well as the generated effect and the portrayal of the message that love and hate lead to each other. Whilst Shakespeare uses symbolism to present these themes, Browning uses other devices such…

  • Coursework: Response Piece

    A little over seven years ago, John Humphrys penned an article titled ‘I h8 txt msgs: How texting is wrecking our language’. Tinged with irony, Humphrys’ title alluded to his fears, as brought about by the rise of texting. Within the article, Humphrys spoke of his love for the English language and how he felt…

  • Coursework – Descriptive Writing

    The hypnotic rhythm of waves beating against the terrain conquers all sound other than its own, echoing outwards into the all-encompassing darkness. Behind the cover of darkness and locked in confrontation, the waters are thrown against the dense vegetation hemming of the icy lake, which struggles against the immense might of the lake as it…

  • Classwork – 12/10/15

    In act 3 scene 2, Antony sways the crowd’s loyalty towards him and away from the conspirators, by discrediting Brutus and his attempts to brandish Caesar as overly-ambitious. After Brutus’ speech at Caesar’s funeral, Antony switches the crowd’s allegiance back to the side of Caesar and stirs them to mutiny. ‘We’ll burn his body in…

  • Homework

    Task Two: Personification is used to portray the sun in two different tones, which highlights the shift in tone between the first and second stanzas of Futility. In the first stanza, ‘the kind old sun’ is shown to be gentle, as shown by the line ‘Gently its touch awoke him once’. The term ‘gently’ has…

  • Text Transformation (from last year)

    Screams filled the darkness, echoing through the abyss. Situated at the epicentre of the fearful cries, sat Vaudevue, alone and cold, as the moonlight glistened off the shimmering cascade of black hair flowing from her head. The surrounding terrain had been eroded by the tides of war and the trees razed by the constant battering…

  • – 18/9/15

    ‘But I am constant as the northern star, of whose true fix’d and resting quality there is no fellow in the of firmament. In the above quotation, Shakespeare uses a simile to create a comparison of Caesar to the northern star, as Caesar claims that his influence is as permanent as any star in the…

  • Classwork – 15/9/15

    How is Caesar’s hubris used against him? Decius Brutus exploits Caesar by playing off of his pride, or hubris. This is done to sway Caesar towards deciding to travel to the Capitol in order for the Senate to meet. ‘Besides, it were a mock apt to be render’d for some one to say “Break up…